160.00 MDL

Kanekalon este o fibră artificială de înaltă calitate, în aspectul ei fiind cât mai aproape de firele naturale de păr. Dreadurile, cosițele africane și franceze, precum și alte tipuri de împletituri la care poate fi folosit kanekalonul vă ajută să vă evidențiați din mulțime și să vă faceți viața mai colorată. Cea mai populară tendință a acestui sezon este  kanekalonul de culori aprinse: crimson, albastru, verde, cu efect de ombre. Dreadurile, cosițele africane sau franceze la care se folosește acest tip de material arată cel mai eficient . Un avantaj al acestei coafuri este că nu necesită vopsirea părului cu substanțe chimice și permite schimbarea imaginii chiar și în fiecare zi.


  • Lungimea părului : 70 cm
  • Greutatea părului : 85 gr
  • De la 10 unitati – 5% reducere

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5 - 8 Euros

up to 3 weeks

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30 - 40 Rons

1 week

From 300 Rons free delivery


55 - 65 MDL

1 - 2 working days

From 780 MDL free delivery

Eyeseduction Benefits

Full Day Comfort

Our lenses are engineered to retain moisture, guaranteeing you comfortable eyes even during those long days.

Patented Hydrogel Material

Our revolutionary hydrogel material is protected by a patented technology, ensuring unmatched quality and performance.

UV Protection

We care about your eye health. Maxvue lenses come with built-in UV protection, guarding your eyes against harmful rays.

High Oxygen Permeability

Experience the ultimate in comfort and eye health with our contact lenses, boasting exceptional oxygen permeability to keep your eyes feeling fresh all day

Low Dehydration

Discover unparalleled moisture and comfort with our contact lenses, featuring a high water content that keeps your eyes hydrated and refreshed, even during extended wear.

CE Approved

Our contact lens product proudly bears the CE approval, a testament to its compliance with stringent European quality and safety standards, ensuring your peace of mind and satisfaction.






5 - 8 Euros

up to 3 weeks

Pay attention to the promocode


30 - 40 Rons

1 week

From 300 Rons free delivery


55 - 65 MDL

1 - 2 working days

From 780 MDL free delivery

Full Day Comfort

Our lenses are engineered to retain moisture, guaranteeing you comfortable eyes even during those long days.

Patented Hydrogel Material

Our revolutionary hydrogel material is protected by a patented technology, ensuring unmatched quality and performance.

UV Protection

We care about your eye health. Maxvue lenses come with built-in UV protection, guarding your eyes against harmful rays.

High Oxygen Permeability

Experience the ultimate in comfort and eye health with our contact lenses, boasting exceptional oxygen permeability to keep your eyes feeling fresh all day

Low Dehydration

Discover unparalleled moisture and comfort with our contact lenses, featuring a high water content that keeps your eyes hydrated and refreshed, even during extended wear.

CE Approved

Our contact lens product proudly bears the CE approval, a testament to its compliance with stringent European quality and safety standards, ensuring your peace of mind and satisfaction.